
If you're searching for high-quality spices and food products to fill your pantry or store shelves, you can count on Lakery Wholesalers. Both bulk buyers and retailers trust our range of products. Keep the quality high. Choose Lakery Wholesalers for all your needs.

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Sarah Lakery

Sarah Lakery

Outside Sales Manager

+1 (75) 757-6885

Kenya - 09:12 am local time


Lakery has been procuring spices from East African farmers who cultivate their crops without harmful pesticides. The farmers meticulously tend to their crops to ensure optimum quality, employing traditional farming techniques passed down from generation to generation. The farmers' time-honored skills and methods have been honed through years of experience, enabling them to produce spices of unparalleled quality.

Company Details

Lakery Wholesalers

  • 41733 Old Mombasa Road,
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Office: +254 75757-6885